Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy is an empirically supported model of couples therapy proven to help couples move from distance to re-connection by helping couples identify their own patterns of conflict and communication that can lead to frustration, hurt, pain, and disconnection.
Often times partners feel stuck in cycles that feel more destructive than productive. No matter how many conversations are had, and conflicts seemingly resolved, partners often find themselves experiencing the same patterns that lead to frustrating and difficult places in their relationship.
Judith is advanced trained in EFT and has been teaching classes, seminars and workshops in EFT for the past ten years. She believes so strongly in this model because she has seen so many couples repair, reconnect, and reach deeper levels of emotional closeness and vulnerability than ever before in their relationship. And it is in the therapy setting with couples that she has seen the most dramatic changes in relationships that, prior to counseling, felt so broken and helpless in repairing.